Monday Made It- 7/1 Burlap Pendant!

This has actually been created a few weeks back.
But..Ive been lacking on keeping up!
Burlap pendant!
Roll of burlap- $3.00ish
Acrylic Paints
Paint Brush
I just cut the burlap by hand.
I am not a ruler type of girl!
There is a back side that is unpainted, 
but allows you to easily attach ribbon or string in the middle!
It was very simple to cut and paint!
I plan to hot glue the string in between the burlap once I have it in my classroom 
and know how long I need it to be!
You also wont be able to see the unpainted top part once its hung up!
**Please excuse the half of the tag left on this brand new chalkboard!
I couldn’t get it off easily and was too lazy to whip out the WWD40!**
I’m a little late on announcing the winner on here,
but Lisa D. you should have been contacted by MPM Schools days ago!
If not, let me know! And congratulations!
Anyone else who didn’t win but are still wanting to shop!
You can save 10% at MPM Schools
for 1 week by clicking here!

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  1. I love making banners with burlap (or anything!), your pencils are adorable!! I really like the frame on your new chalkboard – – I'm working on one for my classroom. 🙂

  2. Question: Where did you find burlap so cheap? I am having a hard time finding it for less than about $12 a yard…

    1. I love, love, love it! I am going to make some kind of burlap pendant banners. Thank you for the inspiration!

      I found burlap at Hobby Lobby for $3.99/yd, and then I used my app coupon to get 40% off the 3 yards that I purchased, so I think I got 3 yards for about $7.00.


      First Grade Wolves

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