Goin’ on a Blog Hunt!

I **was** in love with google reader!
Such sad news on it ending!
Did you get a chance to merge your blogs over to Bloglovin?
Or are you now scrambling to find all of your old blogs?!
After using Bloglovin’ for a few days now,
I am in semi love with it.  
It will be real LOVE once I use it a few more times!
Very user friendly!
If you haven’t signed up,
 I’d suggest using it as a new way to follow all of your favorite blogs!
Now, sit back and go on a little blog hunt!
Laura has setup a great little way to “hunt” down your favorite blogs
and to help you find some new ones during your trip!
July is a great time to sit back, find new blogs, and get ideas for August.
Yes..I said the dreaded word.
It is coming:)
