100th Day of Fun

Happy Saturday, to all of my bloggin’ friends!
How was everyone’s week?
Crazy….busy…hectic…fun…glad-the-weekend is here?!
Yesterday was the 100th day at my school.
I lived it up with my kiddos, on 5 hours of sleep!
So-not-my-style, I like my sleep!
But my Journey’s units have taken off even more.
And I had many, many emails when the next story would be up.
Someone needed it by Friday morning, sooo….
I spent Thursday evening working on it up until bed.
Got up early and worked on it a bit before school.
And finished it Thursday evening after school, up until 10:30.
Then had other things to do!
{progress reports that I couldn’t log into, so spent plan time quickly getting them done by deadline.}
This was the best 100th day I’ve had with a group of kiddos in my 4 years of teaching.
We had a great time.
Only one real behavior problem, besides the basic talking, etc.
He chose to smirk, smile, and laugh 
as I was redirecting another student you rarely needs any reminders.  
But of course, today was crazyyy fun, so even he did.
…and am on red on a weekly basis…
If there is one thing I am pretty strict on, it is that my kids get along, support each other, 
and are a “community.”
I forgot to take a picture of this, but I made one of the signs to hang from my door-way.
{pinterest style!}
I almost didn’t do it….cause I thought, oh it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to them.
I could not believe their reactions!
Or the other students walking to class in the morning, as my door was open.
Super excited. Super big smiles. Super “ohhhhhsssss!”.Super fun!
My own kiddos didn’t think they couldn’t touch it,
so they’d stand there a minute, then try to limbo their way under it.
When I shut the door, I was able to still keep it up.
Teachers that came in would open it, 
and then all of a sudden their head would poke through!
Because they had no idea it was there, 
they thought I had just put tape over the little window!
I laughed….all day long at that 5 minute little project!
My kiddos were very worried about not ruining it as they shut the door,
if a strand got stuck, someone would quickly go up and fix it.
One tore off…and….many “Who DID THIS?!” words were given.
As requested by a reader,
I did a sign similar to this.

This picture is from the blog, “Mommy & Me Creations.
She has other 100th day of school ideas, so go check it out!

First, we made Deanna’s 100 year old people.
Super cute…Super fun…
This is the first year my kiddos had a great image of an old person in their head
and could explain what happens when you age.
I ran out of time to do creative labels for their name,
and made myself hang things up after progress reports were finished!
So I simply just wrote “Mr. ______ or Miss _____.”
We also didn’t get our writing done:( So I guess that’ll be our writing on Monday,
because my district is VERY big 
on making sure any “fun” projects have academic skills attached.

At lunch I quickly set-up center style 100th day projects.
No way we’d get what I had got ready completed as a whole group.
We had regular reading for 2 hours.
Technically, I probably was not suppose to not do my Math Expressions lesson 
since we are 1 of 10 schools that got all the materials. 
But I needed a break from it and so did my kiddos!
100 Gumballs for 100th Day
{inspiration from pinterest}
100 Gumballs for 100th Day
{inspiration from pinterest}
I stopped at the {ghetto} Walmart on my way to school, 
was there at 7 a.m.! 
Normally I don’t leave my house until 7:50-8:05.
To buy those little circle dots for garage sales.
Guess what?!  They were almost out!
Note to self, don’t wait until the day of because everyone was having 100th day of fun!
We used the four bingo markers I had, 
and then students used 20 mini-dot stickers.
They loved this center.  
And were super quiet, probably because they had to count their dots!
100th Day of School party hats!
I’ve never made them, can you believe that?!
I didn’t pre-make one.  I cut stripes wayyy too long.
So we ended up cutting them after our stickers were on.
They turned out cute. They had fun.
Many kiddos were on the floor and sharing stickers to make patterns.
Love that they did this all on their own.
However, I need to remember that it takes kiddos forever to put stickers on!
Kiddos also had a center of the adorable printables I’ve found in blog land.
I also had a fruit loop necklace center setup…..but the string kept fraying.
And I was at the hat station, so we just skipped it.
I have a ton of fruit loops now that weren’t opened.
During my trip to Walmart, I noticed a dollar section of teacher supplies there!
Has anyone else seen this?
A few items I picked up, there were  a few other items I almost got.
But I know I don’t need them.  I didn’t need these either:)
That cute 100th day pin stayed in its package, I forgot to put it on!
Okay, I am semi-procrastinating finishing my next reading unit for another buyer by tomorrow.
I am not on the same stories due to my district using lessons for the First 20 Days of reading.
So I don’t start a story almost a month into school.
I had better get crackin’ and shackin’!



  1. Alisha, Thank you for all of the ideas! I am having a hard time picturing your door and it sounds wonderful. Can you point me in the right direction to find it on Pinterest? Or add a photo?
    An Open Door

  2. I just posted a picture of something similar I did. The blogger of that picture also has some great ideas, so head there, too!

  3. I love the gumball machines and your darling display!
    How did the students keep track of how many dots? I can see my kiddos forgetting and counting over and over…and the project taking all day:)
    Thanks for sharing the fun!

  4. Megan,

    After I split my kiddos up into groups. I had one person be the "leader" to go over directions again and for them to ask questions too! Each color was 20 dots and then the stickers were also 20. They did really well with it! If my special education girl would have had time to of done it, I would have used a pencil to put "little dots" where she should put hers at! Maybe if you use it, you could make the little dots and have copies made? Then students can count as they dot the little marked dots?!

  5. What great ideas Alisha! Your kiddos are so blessed to have such a creative and fun teacher! I will need to do the gumballs! They will also love the door hanging! Thank you so much for all of the wonderful things you share! I have shared your blog with several friends and they love it too!

    I would love for you to visit me if you get the chance! I have TONS of *freebies*!

    Heather's Heart

  6. What great ideas Alisha! Your kiddos are so blessed to have such a creative and fun teacher! I will need to do the gumballs! They will also love the door hanging! Thank you so much for all of the wonderful things you share! I have shared your blog with several friends and they love it too!

    I would love for you to visit me if you get the chance! I have TONS of *freebies*!

    Heather's Heart

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