A lil’ of this…A lil’ of that…

I keep thinkin’ to myself, you have to blog today!
And my life just keeps getting busy!
Making a quick post to let you know I am still alive.
Those mean teachers didn’t get the best of me or eat me alive!
{Although they did chime in more on Monday/Tuesday-Update later with pictures of my week}
Also, if you are wondering where that post went,
on Monday I deleted it from blogger on my Iphone because I am not one to intentionally hurt someone’s feelings, even if what I wrote was
100% honesty, truth, and my feelings.
I was worried one of them would be searching
for new ideas on those two books 
and my blog would pop up in google search list.
I should not have been worried about this, but I do not like drama, 
I do not like knowing I hurt someone, even if they hurt me so much before.
{I have to say though, after more rude comments from them that day, 
I wish I hadn’t!}
Thank you, thank you, thank you 
to all of you sweet bloggin’ friends who left me such kind words.
It really helped me get through the last week before break.
I re-read all of your comments on a daily basis just to keep up my spirits!
On Tuesday morning, as I was dreading going to school
and hearing more rude comments,
I received an email from Mrs. Mac @ First Class with Mrs. Mac.
My post still popped up in her reader and she took the time to email me a super-oh-so-sweet message.
That made my spirit change right before I walked into school.
Literally, I was just pulling in and
for some reason checked my email on the iphone.
And then there is my friend Gladys over at Teaching in High Heels.
{Do you really teach all day in high heels, everyday? 
I usually end up walking barefoot in my room!}
She emailed me a few weeks back or so asking questions
about making things for TPT.
Lordy.  I was so excited to get her email!  I feel like such a newbie still.
Yet she was asking *my* advice because she liked my work.
We’ve had an instant connection. 
I feel like I can’t shut my yapper when I’m writing her!
Shes offered to give me the shout out in her district if I ever did move south!
So far this winter is keeping me here:)  Not much snow!
I offered to send her my gingerbread unit for her to 
look at, get ideas from, and of course to use with her kiddos.
I simply *sent* work I’ve already done.
She took the time out of her oh-so-busy schedule to literally
make my heart drop.
For some reason I checked my “viewers” total
before going shopping that day.
All of a sudden that iphone started beeping for emails after emails
of new comments on my blog.
New friends I hadn’t seen before:) 
Then I checked the “viewers” total and bam!
I knew something had happened.
Then I saw her lovely, amazing post.
We sure do have a great bloggin’ community here in our own teacherland blog world.
I never could imagine what I would find
when I started blogging about a year ago.
I really didn’t know if I ‘d be good at it.  Or if I’d keep up with it.
Or if people would care to read what I wrote.
But now I have support from amazing teachers all over the world
and know to come here when “my-teacher-world” seems like it is  
crash-ing in on me!
I really want to make this post oh-so-cute with lovely clipart, etc.
But that is the reason I haven’t given you all shout outs for
the lovely comments, emails,
and to Gladys yet, because I keep thinking, “No, glitter it up!”
I’ve been catching up on things I haven’t had time for this year,
like heading back to my home town to see some of my little cousins
who keep telling my aunt, 
“I miss Leesh, where is Leesha?”
Today will be the first day I’ve been back in 2 months. 
It is only 20 minutes away.
So please look over this boring, black text, no glittering up post.
Sometimes you just simply have to step away from the clipart:)
{My sister is completely ready now, as I am still on here and I am getting oh-so-evil looks.}
*I am running a 20% sale on TPT {including gingerbread units if you want to get ready for next year} and hope to post my new penguin unit tonight, I was going to finish this morning but that sister of mine is dragging me BACK to the mall before we head back home for the afternoon.  
Freebies to come as well.*



  1. Glad things are looking up and that you are feeling better. I know exactly what you are talking about with the rude comments, etc.. I don't think we realize how much we (as teachers) can hold someone up or push someone down with how we treat each other. I have always struggled to "fit in" with the teaching community (at school) It can be tough…but you just gotta keep your head up and try not to let the comments bother you =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. I am so happy that Gladys did that for you. I totally understand how it changed your outlook – Hadar over at Miss Kindergarten has been that person for me and now we are meeting up next week! 🙂
    This week, I haven't posted anything with glitter or clipart or cute fonts, either.
    Can't wait to see the penguins!
    Enjoy your cousins!
    Have fun shopping!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  3. Awww…Alisha…thank you! I only wrote that post because I thought other teachers should know how A.MA.ZING you are! Not only are you creative and can whip up cute teaching units but you are also kind and generous! Thanks a bunch for helping me out!

    P.S. I'm working on my first math game…I'll send it to you as soon as it's done…I'm looking forward to your honest opinion!

    P.S.S. I DO teach in high heels most days! Ha!

  4. Hang in there. Things will get better. I'm very grateful as well to be a part of this wonderful community of teachers who genuinely care for one another. It's great to know we can always lean on each other. HUGS!

    I'm headed to your tpt store! I LOVE your stuff! And adapt most to my high functioning kinders. Thanks.


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