Favorite Things Linky

Tonight I am linking up with Erica for a little list of my favorites!

 I’ve always been a lip gloss addict, 
but NYX is taking my problem to new levels!
 I blame this addiction on Cara.  
I have the gold set in the middle and wear them *almost* daily.  
Even with a hoodie on jean day!  
I n.e.e.d the other two sets….badly.
 My winter break started off on full force with much needed family time.
Sweet Henzleigh told me, 
“Leesha, take my picture!  Smile!  Look at Leesha!”  
She’s a tad confused on actually looking at the camera and smiling.
Gracelyn aka G and I did a little directed drawing with her siblings while they were visiting for a few hours..  My students did it with the art teacher and I remember Amy entertaining sweet Joelle with it, so I broke out the materials and got them busy!
 This case JUST came in the mail today and I am in love. Seriously, mad love going on here.  I’ve already been checking out other cases to order from Embellish Cases.
 I already have a pretty good collection of Alex and Ani, 
but these two bracelets are on my NEED list!
 Again, I blame the Nixon watch purchase on Cara, also!  My wear-every-day Kors watch suddenly quit working.  It just needs the battery changed, but that takes a trip to the mall.  Somewhere I don’t get too often.  So, I ordered this ‘lil guy off of Amazon to help me get by.  My sister said, “Ummm..what if mom got you a new watch for Christmas?  Why would you order that right now?”  Let’s be honest, I can never have too many watches or accessories!
The Owl-Ways Be Inspired girls joined up for a little Secret Santa actoin.  My Secret Santa has been spoiling me rotten!  Each item has come on a different day, with a fun little saying & no name!


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