Sunday Smorgasbord~ July 27

Happy, Sunday!
Today I’m linkin’ up with Michelle for a little Smorgasbord fun.
 Getting an *almost* 18 year old state wrestler
to smile is hard work.
Even if he is your baby (2nd) cousin.
Warning!  If you get a good camera, 
family think you actually know how to use it!
Ha!  I’m trying!
We need to do some more pictures with better lighting, too many shadows in the background!
All unedited because I’ve been too “busy” to do that yet:)
After some future editing, I think we at least have a few winners
out of this session.
More to come on Tuesday evening with his brother and sister.
{His parent’s offered up his muscles to help me move my into my new room in return!}
{I’d be in huge trouble if Paxton knew I put these up…so shhh!}
I am sooo excited about this new Chalk Talk line from Mardel.
Obsessed, seriously. I grabbed it all for 20% off 
& received free shipping!
I may just need to order some more pieces:)
I heard through the grape vine that another sale 
may happen again, soon!
School is coming.  Even quicker for me due to moving schools.
I’m *hoping* I can sweet talk my way in this week.
It’s been a prepping weekend here.
Print, laminate, cut, repeat!
If you follow me on IG, you have seen the non-stop piles!
Here are a few things I have been prepping.
Just incase you are ready to take the plunge!
I am so excited to have these products 
ready to go from these talented ladies!
Sadly, I still have two other piles still needing 
to be laminated & cut!
 Do you watch “Chasing Life” on ABC?
It has become my new favorite.
If you haven’t seen it, set the DVR!
If you haven’t noticed, my blog got a little Up Do!
Same colors & accents, but a little more BAM!
Oh, and a picture.
 I use to *try* to keep my bloggin’ under wraps.
But I’m over that.  Time to be proud & take claim!
I can NOT say enough about Megan at 
A Bird in Hand Designs
She is so sweet and easy to work with!
What else I love is that she is a fellow teacher
and TPTer who is always just an email away!
If you are thinking of a new design, you will not be disappointed with her magic!


  1. Love, love, love everything about this post! You're looking fancy, girl…Megan did a great job with the 'lil blog makeover. Doesn't she always?! 😉

  2. I am hooked on Chasing Life too! It took me a while to get into the show but now I love it! ABC family never disappoints! I need to get on prepping for my first teaching job! I have nothing ready and really need to get on that! But first I need ink and lamination sheets and paper and the list goes on and on!

  3. Thanks for linking up and I love this post!! I also love your blog. She is redoing mine as well, and I can't wait to see it. 🙂

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