I’ve been on an exotic island…with no internet service:)

I wish I could say I’ve been on an exotic island with no internet service.
Or at least have a silly, hilarious reason as to where I’ve been.
I did make it to Texas in March to meet up with some of my favs…
But..I did make it back:)
I have nothing besides the simple word LIFE!
And then when I think about getting back in to my bloggin’ ways…
I wonder where to start?  What pictures to show?
What have I really took pictures of in my classroom?
I’m going to leave all that for another day……
Soon you will see plants and flowers!
I figure my mind will figure it out eventually.
If not, send help!
Jump right back in…pretend I haven’t been “gone.”
If you follow me on instagram
you may have seen I’ve been packing madness.
I’ve accepted a 2nd grade position at a new school next year.
I am beyond excited for the change!
(This can be my semi-excuse, right?)
I have exactly 15 days left in the school year.
15 day baby, 15!
Half of one of those days is spent at field day.
Every year it is stressful.  
I almost always have one student who is upset he/she didn’t win.
Or one student who just doesn’t want to participate at all.
Then throw in having the afternoon to still teach, 
with no specials.
My solution this year
I will use this unit to teach/review how to be a good sport!
We will act out scenarios. 
 We will work through things BEFORE hand!
And then for the last half of the day, 
we will reflect on field day with writing, 
craftivity, and centers!
Head to my facebook page RIGHT now to enter to win this unit 
The giveaway ends at 9, so really, go NOW!


  1. Congrats on your new job! I hate packing and would easily pay someone to do it for me. I hear you about the Sports Day drama. Ours is 8:45-10:30. Then, we are stuck indoors for recess as they use the field for the older kids. And PE is cancelled since the teacher is running the sports day. Ugh.

  2. I'm so glad you found a new position! I'm in the middle of packing for the summer and purging too. It's such a good feeling to throw things away..ha! Your field day pack is genius! I always have the same issues on our field day and am saving this for next year! Love it!

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