10 Things I’ve Learned From Teaching {Linky Party}

Going into my 6th year of teaching,
I’ve learned many things from my experiences. 
Good & bad!

1.  I bring way to many items home from school that never get used at my house.
And you can bet they rarely make it back to school unless absolutely necessary.
I’ve complied all of these items this summer.
They will return to school and will not come home again!
2.  Unlike Miss Kindergarten, I always move trash cans!
I am constantly double or triple tasking during the day.
If there is something that needs cut, I’m normally doing at the guided reading table
 as I’m listening and monitoring kiddos.
I always find a few kiddos that are my “go to kids” throughout the year.
They just automatically go and get the trashcan whenever they see a stack of lamination!
My kiddos may learn to just “pick” up lose strands throughout the day, also!
The janitor may hate searching for those babies nightly!
3.  No idea why, but I’ve always used the work, “Capisce?” 
after giving directions and checkin to see if kiddos understand. 
Kiddos reply back with another, “Capisce?”
 Maybe one of my own teachers used this? Who knows.
It works..they like it..they say it…whatever works!
4.  I am the worst at giving kiddos time to clean out their desks.
I try monthly to stay on task with this.
And I normally fail.
This year, I will get even better at this!
Having kids clean out desks is like a never ending beeping sound.
They both drive me craaaazzzzyyyyyyyy!
5.  I sing the song, “I am waitttinnngg,” constantly throughout the day.
Again, no idea where or when I learned it.
Kiddos have their own parts!
After I start, they repeat!
I can’t remember all of the words, 
so I added “beats” back in the day.
It works.
6.  If I did it last year, it probably isn’t going to be done the same way this year.
Even if I am running low on time.
I always am changing EVERYTHING I use, 
or at least adding to it.
That is what bloggin’ world is so great for!
7.  If I couldn’t include crafts or projects in my teaching,
I’m not sure I’d still be a teacher.
I remember many projects I did throughout my school year,
and its what makes teaching amazing!
And of course the kiddos!
8.  If we are crafting, doing a project, or science experiment,
you can bet a mess is happening.
“Sorry for the mess, we were busy learning!”
Oobleck and I are not friends.
First year I made it, I wore black pants.
It was all over me for the rest of the day.
I cringe at Oobleck day.
9.  Every year I tell myself not to add to my classroom decor too much.
This year, that was the same plan.
Hiding my stash is getting hard:)!
10.  This is a quote I will be remembering this year.
Its something I remind myself daily after a rough day teaching in a rough area.
My 5 years of teaching have had ups and downs.
I’ve learned more than I could ever imagine,
especially working with kiddos in such a rough area to live in.
I am making a difference.  Even if the day, week, month, or year 
exhausts me and I’m not sure I can keep going.
My past students who continually come to see me are prime examples.
The man above still has me in the same school for this reason.

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  1. I say "Capisce" ALL the time too- and I have my kids respond with "Caposh". They love it and then they respond ot my directions! Its goofy..but it works!

  2. I found your blog through this linky and am your newest follower. I am also a second grade teacher. I loved reading your top 10. I agree with #8 for some reason we are always messy doing a craft too! I can't wait to read more post. If you get a chance I would love for you to come and check out my blog. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Totally agree with your posts. I've been at this for over 20+ years, from private, to homeschooling, and now public. My one big "aha" would be that your day will never go exactly as you plan! I guess that's, also, why I teach! I love the unexpected…good and bad…it makes me a better teacher. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great insight! I am with you when I think about what I did last year and how I will most likely do it different this year. It just works out that way. I don't want to be the teacher that holds on to everything little thing and uses it over and over. For me, changing means I am learning and growing as an educator!!!

    A Rocky Top Teacher

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