I’ve had a ball!

I am officially on summer 

and NOT teaching one minute of summer school.
Can I get a whoop! whoop!
There is a huge joke about how long I’ll last this summer.
I get a tad antsy.
I’m hoping blogging, creating, pinterest, kindle, and candy crush can entertain me!
Let’s not forget some groopdealz, veryjane, & amazon shopping!
I really slacked on pictures lately.
Worn out.
End of the year madness.
I did acquire a few pictures of final projects & events.
Definitely not everything.
This is what my sister woke up to one morning.
I decided late that evening to wash out our field day shirts.
I then had to rig the garage up for them to dry.
All shirts ended up being very unique!
I let the kiddos put their rubber bands on after modeling.
They did most of the dying at school.
With my OCD, I did go back and put a few more spots of color in certain spots:)
Back of the shirts had their name in puffy paint.
The day of field day a kiddo said, 
“It sure feels good to have our last name on the BACK of the back of our shirt.”  
yes…two backs in that sentence.
It made my hate of writing with puffy paint worth it.
We started searching through buckets of letters for the letters in our names
Why the heck do they not make sets of just vowels?!
Then one morning I got the bright idea to stop and get a paint pen.
Best decision ever!
Field day was rainy and cold though.
My kiddos wanted to know why I gave them a sun visor for a rainy & cold day!
AHH! Can’t win them all!
We had some fun blow up obstacle courses.
Wish I didn’t have to cover this kiddos face,
her smile is amazing!
When kiddos came back from lunch,
I had beach balls hanging out on the floor.
Blowing up 17 beach balls alone DOES 
take 25 minutes aka your full lunch!
We sat in a circle, signed our balls, 
and shared things we enjoyed this year.
Getting kiddos to sign their name in a different colored section, 
not too small, and not in a list is hard work!
Next year, I may practice this a week before hand!
Of course we had to throw them up at the end of the day 
and yell that, “I had a ball in 2nd grade!”
Okay. We had to do it more than a few times.
We did make my “I’ve Had a Ball Craft” in bright colors,
 but I slacked on the pictures:(
I’ll be updating this packet in a few days!
Since my kiddos held it together 
so well at the crazy end of the year madness,
I felt like a dance party was needed!
Did you know that glow sticks must go bad?
Yep.  Serious. 
I bought two sets about a year ago and they would barely glow!
Instagram made them look MUCH brighter than they were.
Glow sticks + dance party= no go
But then I decided to invite 2 third grade classrooms over.
We had a dance contest.
We got down.
We laughed.
We smiled.
We partied out until the bell!
 Kiddos headed home with their balls and new bags!
Girls were flippin floppin’ out!
Boys were beach ballin’.
Bags were filled with Lyndsey & Hadar’s units!
A kiddo who always gave me a high five as he left daily
 informed me that a high five was not good enough
 this time when I went to give it to him.
And I got a giant big hug:)

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