A little of this and a little of that…YES, I did make it back from Mexico

If you are wondering if I am stuck in Mexico, the answer is no!
I’ve been back a little over a week now.
And possibly may finally be getting back to “real life.”
My dang $15 “the best earplugs possible” did not stop an ear infection.
If you have babies that get them, feel bad for them!
They do kill.  Its even worse teaching with one!
This will be a little mixed up post of pictures, but I feel the need 
to “get them out there” before I move on to other things.
St. Patrick’s Day centers from Katie & Erica.
Since our spring break started the Friday before St. Patricks day 
and we didn’t get through all of the activities, kiddos have still been hitting some of these centers!
I’m thankful for that since this week was rough getting back into the hang of things.
We also created these little lovelies from Erica.
She as an Easter bunny one, also!
 St. Patrick’s day writings really get my kiddos motivated!
From the lovely Kelley!
Last week we started using Rachelle’s behavior egg idea.
For warning….this is what my cart looked like when I went in for JUST eggs!
My mom may have purchased enough medium or large sized bunnies for every student in my room.
{Can you say she needs a grandchild?!?!}
I couldn’t just *hand* over those babies without some “work” on their part.
So I put them into the prize egg drawing!
If a student pulled a “Hippity Hop” egg, they got to pick an animal!
Not everyone got a bunny yet, but I have another bag to bring this week.
Yes, I am using this power as long as I can!
My mom did not like this fact when I told her today!:)
A teachers got to do what a teachers got to do!
I filled these little cuties up for my kiddos on Friday.
At the last minute I decided to stick them in their lockers.
At dismissal I stood back to watch their reactions.
One little girl didn’t see hers at first and the minute she did
 she started looking around at her 
classmates…then back at her bunny….then back at her classmates…
Kind of in a, “What the heck, is this suppose to be her?”
I leave you with a few pictures from Mexico. 
 Most are on my brother’s girlfriends camera still.
 Additions to my classroom:)
[Now that I have ALL of that out of my blogging mind, 
now I can stay up with current activities! I feel much better!:)}


  1. I just flew with the end of ear infections as well! I loaded up on as much medicine as possible!

    I laugh looking at your cart. I always walk into a store, refuse to get a cart because I sear I am just getting 2 thingsand end up trying to balance about 30 items in my arms. I'm completely guilty of that!

    I'm glad that you are home safe!

  2. I am so jealous you went to Mexico! Too bad our breaks were not the same time. I am glad you like my St. Patrick's Day packet. I love Katie's, too. I also went crazy at Michael's! They had such great stuff.

  3. What a generous and adorable Easter gift to your students! Also, just stopping by as I'm always inspired by your cute creations! I would be honored if you would assist me in my upcoming giveaway I'm planning to celebrate my birthday month and gaining 200 blog followers! If you're able to contribute, please shoot me an email at rivas423@gmail.com with a snapshot of your product and/or your blog button so I can send them over to visit your page as well! Anything end-of-the-year or May-themed would be great!
    Antonia @ forkin4th

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