Add ons to the classroom + Open House

 My reading area NEEDED Ginger’s lovely genre signs.
Love! Love! Love!
 My writing center needed new charts!
Lori’s “I Can Write” signs fit right into our theme!
We will be putting examples to go with each chart once we learn how to do each!
Make sure you check out these writing topic cards, too.
This group of kiddos really, really want me to be their human dictionary.
I just can’t take it.
Tara’s “Teacher How do I….” unit to the rescue!  
They even got smart and use it for word work words:)
 The word wall headers are from the sweet, Ginger Snaps Neon Unit.  *LOVE*
I kept telling myself I’d use the customizable sheets she provided to make our word wall words.
It just wasn’t happening.
So Erica’s word wall cards to the rescue.
They are the perfect size.
 For open house I set up this cute little bullentin board.
 For 911, we wrote about the every day heroes that helped.
I let my kiddos chose which hero they wanted to write about.
This also connected great to our communities unit in Social Studies.

 And these adorable acrostic clouds came from the lovely Regan.
When I started to hang them up, I realized I “stuffed” them a tad too much.
One little push pin and it gave the effect of floating:)
My parents LOVED seeing these at open house.
Parents helped their child fill out the poem at home. 
I had all about 3 return the sheets!
 That is a record at my school:)


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