Gingerbread Friends!

When I first started teaching I could not stand long breaks.
Honestly.  I would go stir crazy in this house for more than few days.
Now…..I am counting down until the next!
Maybe its because of my own homework, blog land, pinterest, and making things!
My lordy.  
Pinterest has literally sucked me in like crazy lately.
If you have an Iphone, you HAVE to download the app!
I find myself pinning when I can’t fall alseep at night.
Pinning while I was at a meeting the other day:)
Another thing that has sucked me in this weekend.
I feel like I’ve spent every moment of my break working on this huge, 
bursting full of Gingerbread fun unit!
Everytime I’d tell myself, “Step away from the Mac.”
I just kept finding myself back here!
Not even reading blogs, because I haven’t touched them!
My poor google reader is probably about to overflow.
Here is preview of my Gingerbread Friends Unit.
It contains 14 math centers & 6 literacy centers!
Yes, I just couldn’t stop!
(I will be splitting them up into just math and just literacy units also.  
And each center will be listed individually once I get time to post them all!)

If you are interested in some Gingerbread Friends,
please click on your choice of stores below:)

P.S.-  I will be joining in on the Cyber Monday Sales:)



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