Little late, but better than never:)

Thank you for all of the well wishes.
Still not “great,” but much better than I was the evening of my last post!
I have my post-op surgery appointment today, so I am hoping once they take out the splints, some of the pressure will go away!  
And hopefully they’ll clean out some of these blood clots!  
I planned to returned to school on Wednesday, we will see.  
Not too sure at this point if that will happen.
I’m tryin’ to stay awake before the appointment, so I thought I’d do a little quick review of things that have been going on in my classroom.
{I don’t have anything real exciting because lets be honest, I haven’t been a very creative teacher these last few weeks before surgery.}
We made Johnny Appleseeds from The Lesson Plan Diva.
I was super excited when she posted the freebie because it went great with my
lil’ mini unit on Johnny Appleseed.  
It was just a little bit of the “extra” I needed to get through the week!
I normally would make the board a little more jazzed up, 
but I had no time with everything else.
I had the apples cut out from last year and 
at first was going to use them to put my kiddods names.  
But decided to throw his name on there. 
Doesn’t look too shabby for a very fast board, at least to my pain medicine eyes:)
My kiddos loved making a birthday card for Johnny. One kiddo even asked,
“How are we going to get them to him if he is dead Miss Peare?”  Ha!
Pretend kiddos….pretend…you know, when you pretend to listen to me:)
Love this guy.
And then there is always the student who does not listen in class, 
and it shows greatly in any project….
Please tell me I am not the only teacher who’s desk looks like this when she is going to be away for a few days?
I even pre-cut out and stapled booklets this time. 
Due to my kiddos having such a hard time making booklets the last few weeks.
Really?!  No reason they couldn’t have done it, but man, I just didn’t want the sub to have to go any frustrations with them.
And a little note for each kiddo on the desk before I left.
Macey & Mollie know something is up.
They’ve been very calm and hanging out right by my side.
Pretty sure they knew something was up the morning before surgery too.
Thankfully, neither of them have accidentally hit my nose.



  1. I love your birthday cards to Johnny…I don't know why I have never thought of that idea! ha!
    Hope you are getting to feel better 🙂
    And no, you're not a control freak – because then that would mean I am too! Ha! You should see it when I have to leave sub

  2. Your pups are too too too cute!! Love that they're looking after you. My desk looks identical to yours when I'm going to be out. Post its, organized piles, etc. HOWEVER, my friend just showed me what she does. I'm dying over it. She has the cutest basket (flat), fills it with the stuff in the order for the day (with the post its and everything) AND leaves a box of whoppers on top with a note that says "Have a whopper of a day." I'm thinking I may have to copy her next time and write a blog post about this now!!! 🙂 I'll link back to you!
    I hope you feel better VERY SOON!!!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  3. I pile my materials and plans in the order it SHOULD be done… I leave lenghty/detailed plans.
    I ALSO leave notes for kiddos, especially to those whom I KNOW may give the sub a run for their money.

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