Guest Post: Mixing in a lil Write With Someone

Happy Day after Halloween all! This is Stephanie from Falling Into First.  I’m pretty stinkin’ excited to be doing a little guest blogging today for my favorite Blonde Blogger 🙂

I’ve had a few days to think about what I wanted to share with you today and I think I’ve got just the thing. It can be done in centers or whole group, it’s Common Core aligned, and it makes for a really great collaborative opportunity! It’s Write With Someone and it’s something new we’ve been rockin out to in 1/2 grade this year.

{Write With Someone In Action}
 Those of you farmiliar with the Daily Five format have heard of Write to Self and Read to Someone. This is really just a merging of the two. Sometimes, like yesterday, I will give my kiddos a topic they have to collaborate on. Other days, they get to decide with their partner what they are going to write about. There are a list of things they have to do whenever they are Writing With Someone which can be seen on the checklist below. 
{click the image to download free on google docs}
Like any partner activity it’s important to begin with plenty of modeling of your expectations and what they need to do. At the beginning of the year we start with shared writing. Then I start calling someone up to sit with me while we’re doing Shared Writing to model Write with Someone more specifically. You should hear the conversations these kids start having. They are sharing ideas, helping eachother s-t-r-e-t-c-h out words they want to spell, then they edit their sentences together. It’s got Common Core Language & Communication standards written all over it!! I’m always amazed at the things my kiddos can come up with when they’re given the opportunity to put their nogins together. Whoever said two heads were better than one must have taught 1st & 2nd grade!
{Samples From Yesterday}
After they do their writing they are each allowed to do their own illustration. 
Think this is something you could use with your littles?? Download my Write With Someone Templates by clicking on the images below 🙂
{click image to download}
 {click image to download}
A BIG thank you to Alisha for letting me hang with you all today! I hope you are all surviving the sugar highs and inevitable crashes today and that time moves a little extra quickly for ya 😉 And feel free to pop over and visit my anytime at Falling Into First!


  1. Love this idea! There's a typo in the checklist though: It says We put both nameD on our writing instead of both nameS. 😀

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